Who called me from 01564495301? Scam or Not

If you’ve received a call from 01564495301, you’re not alone in your curiosity about its origin and legitimacy. This number has been reported multiple times for various types of calls, including survey inquiries and potential scam activities. Many users have noted receiving unsolicited calls from this number, raising concerns about its intentions.

To protect yourself, it’s crucial to verify the nature of the call. Checking online reports and reviews on platforms like Truecaller can provide valuable insights into others’ experiences with 01564495301. If you suspect a scam, consider blocking the number and reporting it to relevant authorities to prevent further unsolicited calls.

Who called me from 01564495301?

If you’ve received a call from 01564495301, it’s likely that you are wondering about its origin and legitimacy. Reports suggest that this number is linked to various types of calls, including survey inquiries, specifically from Ipsos MORI, a well-known market research company. However, there have also been concerns about unsolicited and potentially scam-related calls from this number.

Who called me from 01564495301? Scam or Not

To determine if the call is genuine, consider checking user reviews and comments on platforms like Truecaller and WhoCalledMe. These platforms provide insights based on the experiences of other users who have reported interactions with 01564495301. If the call seems suspicious, it is advisable to avoid sharing any personal information and to consider blocking the number and reporting it to the appropriate authorities. This proactive approach can help protect you from potential scams and unwanted solicitations.

Is 01564495301 a scam?

The number 01564495301 has been reported multiple times for various types of calls, including legitimate survey inquiries and potential scams. Primarily associated with Ipsos MORI, a market research company, some calls from this number may be genuine survey requests. However, there have also been reports of unsolicited and suspicious calls, leading to concerns about its legitimacy.

To ensure your safety, it’s advisable to be cautious when receiving calls from this number. Avoid sharing personal information unless you are certain of the caller’s identity. Checking user reviews on platforms like Truecaller and Tellows can provide further insights into the nature of calls from 01564495301. If you suspect a scam, consider blocking the number and reporting it to relevant authorities.

What are the reports for 01564495301?

Reports for the number 01564495301 indicate a mix of legitimate and potentially suspicious calls. Many users have identified this number as associated with Ipsos MORI, a market research firm conducting surveys. However, there are also reports of unsolicited calls, causing some users to suspect scam activity.

On platforms like Truecaller and Tellows, users have shared their experiences, with some labeling the calls as trustworthy survey requests, while others warn of aggressive or dubious interactions. If you receive a call from this number, it’s wise to verify the caller’s identity before sharing any personal information​.

01564495301 Ipsos MORI survey call?

The number 01564495301 is frequently associated with calls from Ipsos MORI, a reputable market research company. These calls are typically made to conduct surveys on various topics. Ipsos MORI is known for gathering public opinions on social, political, and consumer issues. While most calls from this number are legitimate survey requests, it’s important to verify the caller’s identity if you have any doubts. If you receive a call from 01564495301 and are unsure, you can check user reviews on platforms like Truecaller and Tellows for additional context​.

How to report 01564495301?

If you’ve received a suspicious call from 01564495301 and want to report it, follow these steps:

  1. Report to Your Phone Carrier: Contact your phone carrier and inform them about the suspicious call. They may offer additional tools to block or monitor such calls.
  2. Use Online Platforms: Websites like Truecaller and Tellows allow users to report and comment on suspicious numbers. Sharing your experience can help others avoid similar calls.
  3. Notify Authorities: Report the number to regulatory bodies like the FTC (in the US) at ReportFraud.ftc.gov or Action Fraud (in the UK).

What is the location of 01564495301?

The number 01564495301 is registered as a landline located in Lapworth, United Kingdom. It is operated by DIDWW Ireland Limited and is primarily associated with Ipsos MORI, a market research firm. While the dialing code links it to Lapworth, the use of VoIP technology means the actual physical location of the caller can vary and is not easily determined​. This can sometimes lead to confusion about the true origin of calls from this number.

How to block calls from 01564495301?

If you’re receiving unwanted calls from 01564495301, there are several effective methods to block these calls on both smartphones and landlines. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you manage and block these calls:

On iPhone

  1. Silence Unknown Callers: Go to Settings > Phone and turn on Silence Unknown Callers. This feature will send calls from numbers not in your contacts directly to voicemail, ensuring you only receive calls from known contacts.
  2. Block Specific Numbers: Open the Phone app and tap on Recents. Find the number you want to block, tap the i icon next to it, scroll down, and select Block this Caller​.
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