Who Called me from 01782401163? Scam or not?

If you’ve received a call from 01782401163, you might be curious about who is behind it and whether it’s legitimate. This number has been reported multiple times for suspicious activities, primarily linked to scams, including those impersonating the HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs). Users have noted that callers often claim to be from tax authorities, attempting to extract personal information under false pretenses.

To protect yourself, it’s crucial to verify the caller’s identity and avoid sharing personal details. Checking user reviews on platforms like WhoCalledMe and Truecaller can provide insights into others’ experiences with 01782401163. If you suspect a scam, consider blocking the number and reporting it to relevant authorities to prevent further unsolicited calls.

Who called me from 01782401163?

If you’ve received a call from 01782401163, you’re likely wondering who it might be. This number is associated with various reports indicating suspicious activities. Many users have flagged this number as a potential scam, primarily linked to individuals impersonating HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) representatives. These callers often claim to be from tax authorities, attempting to extract personal information or payments under the guise of resolving tax issues.

Who Called me from 01782401163? Scam or not?

Reports on websites like Who Called Me and Tellows indicate that calls from 01782401163 are mostly negative, with users advising caution. It’s noted that the number originates from Stoke-on-Trent, UK, and is operated by BT. Many users have experienced aggressive or fraudulent behavior, with some being told they owe taxes or need to provide personal details urgently. To stay safe, it is recommended to verify the caller’s identity through official HMRC channels and avoid sharing any personal information over the phone. If you suspect the call is fraudulent, consider blocking the number and reporting it to relevant authorities to help protect others from potential scams​.

Is 01782401163 associated with scam activities?

The number 01782401163 has been repeatedly reported as being associated with scam activities, particularly involving individuals impersonating HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) representatives. Users on platforms like Who Called Me and Tellows have flagged this number for suspicious behavior. Callers from this number often claim to be from tax authorities, attempting to extract personal information or payments by creating a sense of urgency about supposed tax issues​​.

Multiple reports indicate that the number is linked to aggressive and fraudulent tactics, including threats of legal action if the recipient does not comply with the caller’s demands. These tactics are typical of scam activities aimed at exploiting individuals by inducing fear and urgency. Given the volume of negative reports and the nature of the calls, it is strongly advised to exercise caution if you receive a call from 01782401163. Verify any claims made by the caller through official channels and avoid sharing personal information over the phone.

What reports exist for 01782401163?

The phone number 01782401163 has garnered a significant amount of attention and concern from users due to its association with suspicious activities. Multiple reports indicate that calls from this number often involve fraudulent behavior, particularly impersonation scams. Here are some of the key reports and user experiences associated with this number:

  1. HMRC Impersonation Scams: A predominant theme in the reports is that callers from 01782401163 claim to be representatives of HMRC. They often assert that the recipient owes taxes or has unresolved tax issues, attempting to extract personal information or payments. Users have noted the aggressive and threatening nature of these calls, which aim to induce fear and prompt immediate action​​.
  2. Debt Collection and Financial Fraud: Some users have reported that the number is linked to debt collection scams. Callers may claim to be from debt collection agencies such as Advantis, stating that the recipient owes money to HMRC or other entities. These calls often involve high-pressure tactics to force the recipient into providing sensitive financial information​.
  3. User Reviews and Community Alerts: Platforms like Who Called Me and Tellows have numerous user comments and reviews highlighting the suspicious nature of calls from 01782401163. The consensus is overwhelmingly negative, with many users advising others to block the number and report it to relevant authorities. The shared experiences help create awareness and warn potential victims about the risks associated with this number​.

These reports suggest that 01782401163 is frequently used for scams, making it crucial for individuals to exercise caution when receiving calls from this number. Always verify the caller’s identity through official channels and avoid sharing personal information over the phone. If you suspect a scam, consider blocking the number and reporting it to the appropriate authorities.

What is the location and provider of 01782401163?

The phone number 01782401163 is registered in Stoke-on-Trent, a city located in Staffordshire, England. Stoke-on-Trent is known for its historical significance in the pottery industry, but this number has gained attention for less benign reasons. It has been frequently associated with scam activities, particularly those impersonating Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) officials​.

The provider of this number is BT (British Telecommunications), one of the major telecommunications and network providers in the UK. BT provides a wide range of services, including landline, broadband, and mobile services. Calls from this number are more likely to be received on mobile devices rather than landlines, as indicated by user reports and monitoring data. If you receive a call from this number, it is advisable to verify the caller’s identity and avoid sharing personal information unless you are certain of the legitimacy of the call.

How to report 01782401163 to authorities?

If you suspect that calls from 01782401163 are part of a scam, it is important to report them to help authorities track and take action against fraudulent activities. Here’s how you can effectively report this number:

  1. Report to Your Phone Carrier:
    • Contact your phone service provider to report the suspicious number. Many carriers offer tools or services to block and report spam calls, which can help in mitigating further calls from the same source.
  2. Contact Action Fraud:
    • In the UK, Action Fraud is the national reporting center for fraud and cybercrime. You can report the call online at Action Fraud or by calling 0300 123 2040. They will take details of the incident and provide advice on the next steps.
  3. Report to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
    • If you are in the US, you can report the call to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov. The FTC collects complaints about scams and uses this data to investigate and prosecute fraud.
  4. National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC):
    • If you received a phishing email or text message related to the call, forward it to report@phishing.gov.uk. The NCSC will investigate these reports to help prevent further scams.
  5. Share on Community Platforms:
    • Platforms like Who Called Me and Tellows allow users to report and share their experiences with suspicious numbers. By sharing your encounter, you can help warn others and contribute to a broader community awareness of scams.

What are user reviews about 01782401163?

The phone number 01782401163 has received a significant amount of negative feedback from users, primarily due to its association with scam activities. Many reports indicate that callers from this number often claim to be representatives of HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs), attempting to extract personal information under the guise of resolving tax issues. Users have frequently flagged these calls as fraudulent, advising others to exercise caution and avoid sharing any personal details.

On platforms like Who Called Me and Tellows, the number has been looked up thousands of times, and the majority of comments reflect negative experiences. Users report aggressive tactics, such as threatening legal action or demanding immediate payment, which are common characteristics of scam calls. Additionally, some users have noted that the number is linked to debt collection scams, further underscoring the need for vigilance when dealing with calls from 01782401163. If you receive a call from this number, it’s recommended to verify the caller’s identity through official channels and consider blocking the number to prevent further unsolicited calls.

Has 01782401163 been linked to HMRC scams?

Yes, the phone number 01782401163 has been frequently reported as being linked to HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) scam activities. Callers from this number often impersonate HMRC representatives, claiming that the recipient owes taxes or has unresolved tax issues. These calls typically use scare tactics, such as threats of legal action, to extract personal information or payments.

User reviews on platforms like Who Called Me and Tellows indicate that many people have experienced aggressive and fraudulent behavior from this number. These reviews often mention the caller’s attempts to solicit sensitive information under false pretenses, reinforcing the number’s association with scam activities. If you receive a call from 01782401163, it is advised to verify the caller’s identity through official HMRC channels and avoid sharing personal details.

Which authorities handle reports for 01782401163?

If you receive a suspicious call from 01782401163, several authorities can help you report and address the issue:

  1. Action Fraud (UK): The UK’s national reporting center for fraud and cybercrime. You can file a report online at Action Fraud or call 0300 123 2040.
  2. Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): If the call involves a breach of data protection laws, you can report it to the ICO via their website.
  3. Ofcom: The UK’s communications regulator, responsible for monitoring and addressing issues related to nuisance calls. Visit Ofcom’s website for more information.
  4. Your Phone Service Provider: Contact your phone carrier to report the number. They may have tools to block or track the number.
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