9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details

The keyword 9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details refers to a specific book identified by both its 13-digit and 10-digit ISBN numbers. This book, Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos, offers a historical account of Henri Mouhot’s exploration in Southeast Asia during the late 1850s. Published by Legare Street Press, the latest edition ensures the preservation of this valuable public domain text for modern readers.

The 9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details provides key information such as the book’s format, pricing, and availability across multiple retailers. As a 336-page hardcover edition, it is accessible through platforms like Powell’s Books and Books-A-Million. The reprint of this exploration narrative offers a critical look into the region’s geography and cultures, making it significant for scholars and travel enthusiasts.

What Is The Book Linked To 9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details?

9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details is Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos by Henri Mouhot and Charles Mouhot. This travel narrative documents Mouhot’s journey through Southeast Asia between 1858 and 1860, highlighting his explorations and encounters with local cultures. The work is historically notable for drawing Western attention to sites like Angkor Wat.

This book is a reprint of the original 19th-century text, offering insights into early colonial perspectives of the region. It reflects the cultural and geographical landscapes of Siam, Cambodia, and Laos during this period. Scholars consider the book an important public domain work that preserves valuable historical knowledge.

Who Are The Authors Of ISBN 1016005555?

Henri Mouhot, one of the authors, was a French naturalist and explorer whose travels through Southeast Asia are captured in this book. He is remembered for his role in introducing Angkor Wat to European readers. The second author, Charles Mouhot, is likely associated with either editing or contributing to the publication posthumously.

Henri Mouhot’s writings were influential in shaping Western views of Indo-China, making his journey a significant historical record. The collaboration between Henri and Charles Mouhot ensures the preservation and dissemination of Henri’s exploratory accounts, enriching the literary and historical canon.

Where Can I Buy ISBN 9781016005555 Online?

You can purchase this book through major online retailers such as Powell’s Books and Books-A-Million. Both platforms offer the hardcover edition, with prices ranging between $34.95 and $37.50. Shipping options vary, with some warehouses requiring additional charges and delivery times depending on the buyer’s location.

Readers may find the book through other academic and independent booksellers. Due to its public domain status, digital or used copies might also be available from different sources. Buyers should use the ISBN to ensure they acquire the correct edition.

What Are The Publication Details Of ISBN 1016005555?

The book was republished by Legare Street Press on October 27, 2022, making it a modern reprint of the historical text. It is available in hardcover format, comprising 336 pages in English. The book measures approximately 6.14 inches in width and 0.75 inches in height, suitable for library or personal collections.

Legare Street Press focuses on preserving culturally important works, ensuring that books like this remain accessible to modern readers. This specific edition highlights the value of historical exploration narratives while catering to both academic and general audiences.

Is 9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product DetailsAvailable In Hardcover?

Yes, the book is available in hardcover, with listings confirming its availability on platforms like Books-A-Million and Powell’s Books. The price for the hardcover edition is set at $34.95 to $37.50, depending on the seller. Customers can place orders online, although some may encounter additional shipping costs due to warehouse storage.

The hardcover version ensures durability, making it suitable for collectors, libraries, and researchers interested in preserving historical works. Other formats, such as paperbacks, may also be available, but this edition is ideal for those seeking a high-quality copy.

What Is The Historical Value Of 9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details?

This book holds significant historical value as it documents the experiences of Henri Mouhot during his travels in Southeast Asia. His journey is one of the earliest Western accounts of places like Laos, Cambodia, and Siam, providing a colonial perspective on the region. The text has contributed to historical studies by documenting cultural practices, geography, and political situations of the time.

The book also played a key role in introducing Angkor Wat to the Western world, influencing subsequent exploration and academic research. Its reprint ensures that this valuable historical narrative remains available for contemporary audiences, enriching our understanding of the 19th-century exploration era.

The 9781016005555 Isbn10: 1016005555 All Product Details corresponds to an essential historical work that captures the exploration of Southeast Asia by Henri Mouhot. It is available in hardcover through multiple online retailers, preserving the original insights offered by the 19th-century travelogue. This edition ensures the book’s accessibility for both researchers and general readers interested in historical narratives.

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